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ReadyWorks CNO Round Table Event 2022
November 9th 12:30-4:00 PM
Location: Virtual
Over the last 2 years, we have observed shifting priorities and demands placed upon the nursing workforce. ReadyWorks makes technology to increase workforce capacity, regulatory compliance, and best practices. We want to build something innovative that will help nurses and nurse leadership now and we don't want to guess at what is needed most urgently.
The goal is to work with a select group of nursing leaders to:
Identify current barriers to nursing workforce capacity
Locate opportunities to enable the nursing workforce
Collaborate to create a solution based on real feedback from nurses
Trial the solution, that you influenced and shaped, at your hospital
Jordan Duval-Arnould, MPH, DrPH - CEO ReadyWorks Health, Inc.
Sherri Jones, DNP, RN, Principal, Sherri Jones DNP, LLC | Former Assistant Director of Nursing, Johns Hopkins Children's Center
Anna Koerbel, Director of Business Development and Marketing, Maryland Patient Safety Center
Caroline Kelly, MID - User Experience Research Lead, Ascension Studio
12:30 - 1:00
Welcome, introductions and overview
1:00 - 1:45
Session: 1
Biggest challenges facing the nursing workforce today
1:45 - 2:30
Session: 2
Technology shortfalls that limit workforce capacity and prevent the elimination of non-nursing tasks
2:30 - 3:30
Group Discussion
Solution brainstorm. Discuss what could impact these problems in the fastest and most meaningful ways. Discuss barriers to implementation.
3:30 - 4:00
Wrap Up
What would make this successful after 6 months of use? Define target outcomes.